What is it? Learning disorder that affects writing skills, especially grammar. The word means: “dis”= deviation + “ortho”= correct + “graphs” = writing, demonstrating incapacity in the structuring, organization and production of written texts, that is, the production of texts is structured in a very precarious way for the level school you are in. It usually appears in conjunction with dyslexia (difficulty writing without spelling errors) and broader than dysgraphia (difficulty writing handwritten letters legibly and correctly). Grammar is important for fluency in writing and we can see many students without learning difficulties having problems with it. Often the child demonstrates profound disturbance in grammatical comprehension and problems with written grammar, making their writing very difficult to understand. Some signs of dysorthography: · illegible handwriting; · Slow and laborious writing; · Mixing block and cursive letters; · Space letters and words oddly; · Great spelling and grammatical difficulties; · Use of incorrect punctuation; · Continuous sentences and lack of paragraph breaks; · Problems organizing information when writing; · Difficulty in organizing paragraphs; · Poor text organization; · Lack of clarity in writing ideas; · Frequent grammar errors; · Disconnection of letters; · Vocabulary too short and poor; · Improper way of holding the pencilUpper part of the formBottom of the form; · Irregular trace. Most common causes: Intellectuals: May delay learning basic grammar rules. Linguistic: Difficulty acquiring language and lack of vocabulary knowledge. Educational: Depending on the cognitive style that the patient has, different teaching methods may present more challenges. Perceptuals: Linked to the visual and auditory process.
Consequences: Low school self-esteem: One of the first consequences is the growing lack of interest in learning and, especially, expressing oneself in writing. Even if he doesn't understand about dysorthography, the child is sensitive enough to feel its interference. Imagine someone lacking the emotional resilience to deal with their difficulties at school. Without any positive intervention, the student grows up with a bad impression of teaching, feeling inadequate for it. His mind feeds the idea of disability and he ends up doubting his own potential within teaching. Not only does this mess with their self-esteem, but it ends up taking the person away from the natural movement of school learning. Persistent graphical errors: Incorrect learning to read and write in the early years will make the child feel insecure to express himself through the writing process. This problem is exacerbated in regions with little educational assistance, as the individual does not receive adequate support, causing a gap in the grammatical understanding of the language, making the learning of grammatical norms deficient, inducing spelling errors that are difficult to correct later, causing the problem to persist throughout his life. Dropout: This is partly thanks to the fact that schools show poor data regarding grammar activities. Going further, the results are below expectations in young people's essays, causing many to drop out of school, still at school age. How is dysorthography diagnosed? Dysortography needs an assessment made by a technician specialized in learning difficulties, as a psychologist, psychopedagogue, neuropsychopedagogue or neuropsychologist can carry out such an assessment together with parents and teachers. Therefore, the diagnosis can only be made after 2 years of stimulation in writing and reading. Not to mention that your writing performance is excessively below for your school age group. It should be noted that it is not impossible to arise from some mistakes or faults, and this is the minimum evaluation time. Tests to assess for this disorder include: · Hearing tests; · Tests to check for difficulties in writing and learning language rules;] · Visual tests. It is often caused by the presence of a visual or hearing impairment, problems with pronunciation, or even an unfavorable study environment.
Treatment: Depending on the cause and the degree of impairment, the speech therapist, psychologist, neuropsychopedagogue or psychopedagogue may suggest a treatment aimed at solving problems, related to learning and correct spelling. Therapy sessions are held, aimed at the re-education of each phonological competence of the student in the learning difficulty. The therapy improves the child's visual-spatial perception, also focusing on phonological processing. In each session, the student receives multisensory stimuli in order to unlock their inhibition regarding writing. For greater results, it is necessary that difficulties are detected as early as possible. Finally, from the moment these mistakes are harming the child's performance in the classroom, it's time to look for a professional to investigate the case further.
Edited from: https://institutoneurosaber.com.br/sinais-de-disortografia/ https://www.google.com/search?q=disortografia