Parents who suspect that their children have symptoms of a psychological disorder should see a psychologist immediately. Treatment tends to be less burdensome for patients when early diagnosis is made. If the child already has a pediatrician, the parents can ask him or her to recommend a psychologist. To rule out the possibility of physical ailments, a visit to the doctor is also necessary. Children often complain more about body aches and physical discomfort than emotional discomfort. Therefore, it is worth consulting a specialist to check your health status. A child's psychological assessment may require sharing the following information: individual and family health history, emotional trauma history, academic history, observations of the child's development, and an interview with the parents. Diagnosis can take time due to children's characteristic unpredictability. Difficulty understanding emotions can also take longer to assess your mental health. Finally, the psychologist's final word may change as new observations are made. As with adults, the treatment of children involves psychotherapy and, if necessary, psychiatric medication. With the little ones, consultations are made with the help of recreational activities. Parents, caregivers and family members must, above all, be empathetic in the face of the child's unexpected behavior. At all times it must be remembered that not even she has full understanding of what is happening. In order not to unintentionally worsen the mental condition of children with psychological disorders, it is necessary to treat them with patience.